Source code for kenchi.outlier_detection.classification_based

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import rbf_kernel
from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from .base import BaseOutlierDetector

__all__ = ['OCSVM']

[docs]class OCSVM(BaseOutlierDetector): """One Class Support Vector Machines (only RBF kernel). Parameters ---------- cache_size : float, default 200 Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB). gamma : float, default 'scale' Kernel coefficient. If gamma is 'scale', 1 / (n_features * np.std(X)) will be used instead. max_iter : int, optional default -1 Maximum number of iterations. nu : float, default 0.5 An upper bound on the fraction of training errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. Should be in the interval (0, 1]. shrinking : bool, default True If True, use the shrinking heuristic. tol : float, default 0.001 Tolerance to declare convergence. Attributes ---------- anomaly_score_ : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Anomaly score for each training data. contamination_ : float Actual proportion of outliers in the data set. threshold_ : float Threshold. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from kenchi.outlier_detection import OCSVM >>> X = np.array([ ... [0., 0.], [1., 1.], [2., 0.], [3., -1.], [4., 0.], ... [5., 1.], [6., 0.], [7., -1.], [8., 0.], [1000., 1.] ... ]) >>> det = OCSVM(gamma=1e-03, nu=0.25) >>> det.fit_predict(X) array([ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1]) """ @property def dual_coef_(self): """array-like of shape (1, n_SV): Coefficients of the support vectors in the decision function. """ return self.estimator_.dual_coef_ / self.nu_l_ @property def support_(self): """array-like of shape (n_SV): Indices of support vectors. """ return self.estimator_.support_ @property def support_vectors_(self): """array-like of shape (n_SV, n_features): Support vectors. """ return self.estimator_.support_vectors_ @property def intercept_(self): """array-like of shape (1,): Constant in the decision function. """ return self.estimator_.intercept_ / self.nu_l_ def __init__( self, cache_size=200, gamma='scale', max_iter=-1, nu=0.5, shrinking=True, tol=0.001 ): self.cache_size = cache_size self.gamma = gamma self.max_iter = max_iter = nu self.shrinking = shrinking self.tol = tol def _check_is_fitted(self): super()._check_is_fitted() check_is_fitted( self, ['dual_coef_', 'intercept_', 'support_', 'support_vectors_'] ) def _get_threshold(self): return self.R2_ def _fit(self, X): self.estimator_ = OneClassSVM( cache_size = self.cache_size, gamma = self.gamma, max_iter = self.max_iter, nu =, shrinking = self.shrinking, tol = self.tol ).fit(X) l, = self.support_.shape self.nu_l_ = * l Q = rbf_kernel( self.support_vectors_, gamma=self.estimator_._gamma ) c2 = (self.dual_coef_ @ Q @ self.dual_coef_.T)[0, 0] self.R2_ = c2 + 2. * self.intercept_[0] + 1. return self def _anomaly_score(self, X): return self.R2_ \ - 2. / self.nu_l_ * self.estimator_.decision_function(X)